Incentivized Savings: How Whole Life Insurance Can Fuel Your Financial Goals
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Blue Skies & Infinite Possibilities
Where all areas of your life are considered invaluable
Savings is the foundation of your financial Life, without it, you are like a shipwreck on the open sea, vulnerable to the winds of...
Where Should You Be Saving?
Once upon a time, people saved their emergency money in mattresses, coffee cans, and even buried in the backyard. This was at a time when...
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What is Banking, Really?
What is the purpose of a bank? What most people know is that it's a place to store money, as well as a place to secure financing. This is...
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Finding Financial Peace
Friends and family are the glue of life that can bring us great joy and peace over our lifetimes. The longer we nurture these...
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Do What You're Already Doing... Better
Chances are, the things you're already doing in your financial life can be made even more efficient for you. If you're saving in a bank...
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The Best Things in Life Take Time
Starting something new can be daunting. We want to have it all figured out from the get-go, yet that's rarely how things work. Usually,...
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The Volume of Interest is More Critical Than the Rate
These days, many assets come with an interest rate that you must pay. Cars, homes, appliances, credit cards---these all have an attached...
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You Should Read the Instructions First
Something my dad always used to say to me was to read the instructions first. As a child, I would plow through projects anyway, to...
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More Things You Didn't Know About Whole Life Insurance
Recently, I shared thoughts with you about 10 things you might not have known about whole life insurance. I've found that there are many...
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10 Unique Traits of Whole Life Insurance You Probably Didn't Know
When I tell people that I sell whole life insurance, they're often surprised. They either don't know the benefits of whole life insurance...
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Financial Peace is Possible
Finances can be a sensitive topic because often it's about more than just money. It's about hopes, habits, dreams, and more. You deserve...
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Why I'm Starting a New Life Insurance Policy
I'm 67, and I'm in the process of buying a new whole life insurance policy. Commonly, people have the misconception that you don't need...
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Do You Have a Leaky Savings Vehicle?
Are you losing some of your savings potential by keeping your money in the bank? Chances are, you have a leaky savings vehicle. When you...
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Is a Puppy Like Infinite Banking?
Recently, my wife and I brought a new puppy into our life. What we realized was that this was not only an investment of capital but also...
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Enjoy Retirement More Fully: Whole Life and Annuities
Whole life insurance is just one of the financial products that can have a huge positive impact on your life and finances. Adjacent to...
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Who is That Running My Life?
Do you feel as though your life is on a path that has been created for you, or do you feel as though you have forged your own path?...
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